Wednesday 2 January 2008

The key to reach the Cross- Media: Integration

Today is my birthday, and what I learned is how to cook egg fried rice well. It sounds easy, but for a terrible cook like me, it is not such a relaxing experience. But today, I found that the secret is to dry the rice first, before frying it.

That is it! Only use dry rice, which is the reason why I failed thousands of time.

Coming back to my topic ‘Cross- Media’, I think that the key to reach Cross-Media is integration.

Change or Perish:

The new role of PR agencies In the past, traditional PR agencies had a clear role: do research on the mass audiences, create attractive campaigns, and use their influence to get television and newspaper coverage.

But this simple solution doesn't exist anymore. Television and newspapers have lost their once so dominant position in the media market. A whole new world of new technologies, new media, new clients and new consumers means that PR agencies must devote more time to media evaluation and selection.

This means that they will be able to produce more effective media coverage, provide what the client wants and more answers to their marketing problems.

The integration of Cross- Media is not only to get media coverage of different media platforms, but also to make communication interactive to achieve win-win results.

Integration: Both Content and Corporate

In July 2007, Google launched the Expands Print Advertising Program in the USA. This is an expansion in size and scope of its existing Print Ads TM advertising initiative, covering more than 225 newspapers from an original 50 newspaper publications.

Recently, according to The Sunday Times, Google plans to expand its newspaper print ad business in the UK.

In general, advertisers can search for newspapers through Google’s system using a number of criteria, including their circulation and geographic region. They can then make an offer for a certain ad size and wait to see if the ad is approved or the publication responds with a counter-offer.

See, new media and old media are getting closer every day. Even Google as an icon of new media, the search giant also wants to integrate its technologies to be able to reach traditional media.

New media cannot just be seen as a cold-blooded killer for old media, the integration is the future.

New media is not a cold-blood killer for old media, the integration is the future.

1 comment:

Ha Nguyen said...

I think traditional media do realize the fast development of new media, which forces them to change otherwise they will be left behind. The good thing is that traditional media usually have a good brand name so what they have to do is to introduce an e-news. For example the website of the New York Times is increasingly famous due to the fact that they offer as good stories as printed version but audience can comment and blog.